
Back in grammar school while I was at a friend’s house, her Mom, (who was the coolest by the way), served us chocolate pudding with Cool-Whip and a cherry on top for dessert. In the 80’s, Cool-Whip made every dessert fancy, but it was the cherry that caught my allure. It was perfect; no cracks or dings, with a long, unbroken, stem. Certainly not a cherry you ate every day.

Her Mom must have noticed that I had gently pushed it aside, because she asked, “Do you not like cherries?” I quickly replied in defense of my cherry, “No!…I love cherries! That’s why I’m saving it for last.” Her family chuckled in supporting unison, and I enjoyed every bit of its worth.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a “save the best for last” type of person. I want to get through the less appealing experiences before I allow things to become more pleasant. I like to think that’s how I’m living my life; saving the best of me for last. Sure, there are days I regress, but overall, I’m learning from life’s experiences, and becoming a better version of myself.

The personal stories I share through my writing, video documentaries, and photography are intended to inspire, teach, and offer a positive perspective. I may not write the next New York Time’s Best seller, or produce a documentary that earns recognition, or capture the next National Geographic Photo of the Year, but I just might inspire someone who does. After all, I’m just your Average Jill.

With Gratitude,

Let’s Connect

My website is a compilation of my writing, videos, and photography. If you like what you see here, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for current updates.