Like many other Americans, I’m skeptical about donating to charities for the belief that many not-for-profits use donations foolishly to support lavish lifestyles of their executives. However, on today’s RISE Podcast, Rachel Hollis interviewed Scott Harrison, who is the founder and CEO of Charity: Water, which applies 100% of its donations to fund projects that create access to clean drinking water in developing countries.

This post isn’t as much about the awesome work this charity does, because you can check out their website on your own (, but I want to share my props to its funding structure. So, how do they fund their overhead and administrative costs you wonder? Through private donations from currently 130 families and private donors, including the founders of Facebook, Twitter and Spotify, as well as key Apple and Silicon Valley executives.

To date, Charity: Water donations have funded $330M in clean water projects. Clean drinking water is one of our most basic human needs, and access to it creates a ripple effect on so many other aspects within a developing country. If you’re looking to give to a charity, please check this one out.